10 Câu Hỏi Phỏng Vấn Tiếng Anh Phổ Biến và Cách Trả Lời
Phỏng vấn xin việc luôn đòi hỏi ứng viên phải linh hoạt và thông minh để ứng xử những tình huống mà nhà tuyển dụng đưa ra. Phỏng vấn xin việc bằng tiếng Việt chưa chắc làm "xiêu lòng" nhà tuyển dụng, vậy phỏng vấn bằng tiếng Anh sẽ như thế nào? Cùng Direct English Saigon tìm hiểu 10 câu hỏi phỏng vấn tiếng Anh phổ biến và cách trả lời chúng nhé!

Bỏ túi 10 câu hỏi phỏng vấn tiếng Anh và câu trả lời chinh phục nhà tuyển dụng
1/ Tell me about your self
Example answer:
- Well, I’m currently an account executive at [name of company], where I handle our top-performing client. Before that, I worked at an agency where I was on three different major national healthcare brands. And while I really enjoyed the work that I did, I’d love the chance to dig in much deeper with one specific healthcare company, which is why I’m so excited about this opportunity with your company.
- I come from a small town, where opportunities were limited. Since good schools were a rarity, I started using online learning to stay up to date with the best. That’s where I learned to code and then I went on to get my certification as a computer programmer. After I got my first job as a front-end coder, I continued to invest time in mastering both front- and back-end languages, tools, and frameworks.
2/ How did you hear about this position?
Example answer:
- I learned about the position through LinkedIn/... as I’ve been following your company’s page for a while now. I’m really passionate about the work you’re doing in X, Y, and Z areas, so I was excited to apply. The required skills match well with the skills I have, and it seems like a great opportunity for me to contribute to your mission, as well as a great next move for my career.
- I heard about an opening on the product team through a friend of a friend, Akiko, and since I’m a big fan of your work and have been following you for a while I decided it would be a great role for me to apply for.
3/ Why do you want to work at this company?
Example answer:
- I saw on LinkedIn/... that you were also hiring for new positions on the West Coast to support your new operations there. I did some more reading about the new data center you’re building there and that excites me as I know this means there’ll be opportunities to train new teammates. I also learned through a Wall Street Journal article that you’re expanding in Mexico as well. I speak Spanish fluently and would be eager to step up and help liaise whenever necessary.
- I’ve always been a fan of X Co’s products and I’ve spent countless hours playing your games. I know that your focus on unique stories is what drew me and other fans into your games initially and keeps us coming back for more. I’ve followed X Co on social media for a while, and I’ve always loved how you have people in different departments interact with users. So I was psyched when I came across this posting for a social media manager with TikTok experience. At my last job, I was responsible for launching our TikTok account and growing it to 10,000 followers in six months. Between that experience, my love of gaming, and my deep knowledge of your games and fanbase, I know I could make this TikTok account something special and exciting.

Phỏng vấn tiếng Anh đòi hỏi vốn từ vựng dồi dào
4/ What type of work environment do you prefer?
Example answer:
- I really like the environment in my current position. My manager is a great resource and always willing to help out when I run into an issue, but they trust me to get my work done so I have a lot of freedom in how I schedule and prioritize, which is very important to me. Everyone has their own cubicle, so it’s often pretty quiet to get our work done, but we all get lunch together and our team has a lot of check-in meetings and communicates frequently via Slack so we still get a lot of opportunities to bounce ideas off each other. So I like both individual and more collaborative work. How would you describe the mix here?
- That sounds great to me. I like fast-paced work environments because they make me feel like I’m always learning and growing, but I really thrive when I’m collaborating with team members and helping people reach a collective goal as opposed to competing. My last internship was at an organization with a similar culture, and I really enjoyed that balance.
5/ What do you consider to be your weaknesses?
Example answer: It can be difficult for me to gauge when the people I’m working with are overwhelmed or dissatisfied with their workloads. To ensure that I’m not asking too much or too little from my team, we have weekly check-ins. I like to ask if they feel like they’re on top of their workload, how I could better support them, whether there’s anything they’d like to take on or get rid of, and if they’re engaged by what they’re doing. Even if the answer is ‘all good,’ these meetings really lay the groundwork for a good and trusting relationship.
6/ Do you prefer working independently or on a team?
Example answer: I enjoy a blend of the two. I like having a team to strategize with, get diverse opinions from, and reach out to for feedback. But I am also comfortable taking on assignments that require me to work independently. I find I do some of my best work when I can focus alone in a quiet space, but I really value collaborating with my teammates to come up with the best ideas.
7/ What Are Your Career Goals?
Example answer:
- In the short term, I hope to work as a sales representative for a company such as yours—one with a mission based on excellent customer service and care. Working as a sales representative for a company I believe in will prepare me to take on expanded team leadership responsibilities in the future, as those become available.
- My current short-term goal is to develop and use my marketing and communications skills in a job like this one. However, I eventually want to develop into a position that allows me to continue to use these skills while also managing a marketing group. I will prepare for this goal by taking on leadership positions in team projects, and by developing my professional career through attending leadership conferences such as the one put on annually by your company.

Nắm bí quyết để phỏng vấn tiếng Anh thành công
8/ Why are you leaving your current job?
Example answer:
- I’m ready for the next challenge in my career. I loved the people I worked with and the projects I worked on, but at some point I realized I wasn’t being challenged the way I used to be. Rather than let myself get too comfortable, I decided to pursue a position where I can continue to grow.
- While I learned valuable skills at my current job, I no longer feel energized or challenged by the work. I am ready for new challenges and the chance to make an impact in another position.
9/ What will you do if you don't get the job?
Example answer:
- I am committed to this company and its advancement so, should I not be selected, I will work with and support whoever is selected. However, I do feel that my experience in the department and on the team would make me the best candidate.
- I will explore more training opportunities and look into getting further credentials to enhance my qualifications for advancement.
- I feel as if this would be a good fit for me, so I'm hoping I won't have to think too much about that.
10/ What are your salary expectations?
Example answer:
- My salary range is flexible. I would, of course, like to be compensated fairly for my decade of experience and award-winning sales record. However, I'm open to discussing specific numbers once we've discussed the details of the position.
- I'd like to learn more about the specific duties required of this position, which I look forward to in this interview. However, I do understand that positions similar to this one pay in the range of $X to $Z in our region.
Hy vọng với 10 câu hỏi phỏng vấn tiếng Anh và câu trả lời này sẽ giúp bạn thêm phần tự tin trong những cuộc phỏng vấn xin việc. Cùng với các khóa học bài bản, khoa học sử dụng phương pháp dạy đến từ Anh quốc đảm bảo mang lại hiệu quả cao giúp bạn nâng trình tiếng Anh dễ dàng xoay sở trước câu hỏi phỏng vấn hóc búa. Để kiểm tra trình độ tiếng Anh, bạn hãy truy cập địa chỉ sau 👉 Thư Viện Bài Kiểm Tra Trình độ Tiếng Anh - Direct English (directenglishsaigon.edu.vn) Hiện tại, Direct English Saigon đang đào tạo các khóa sau:
- KHÓA GIAO TIẾP - GENERAL ENGLISH: Xây dựng nền tảng tiếng Anh vững chắc giúp giao tiếp lưu loát, diễn đạt ý trôi chảy, giúp thăng tiến trong công việc, du học, định cư...
- KHÓA HỌC TIẾNG ANH THƯƠNG MẠI - BUSINESS ENGLISH: Nâng cao khả năng giao tiếp, đàm phán, thương thuyết bằng tiếng Anh trong môi trường kinh doanh thương mại quốc tế.
- KHÓA HỌC TIẾNG ANH LINH HOẠT- FLEXIBLE ENGLISH-ONLINE: Đào tạo theo hình thức online dành cho người bận rộn với thời gian học linh hoạt giúp phát triển toàn diện 6 kỹ năng - nghe, nói, phản xạ, đọc, hiểu, viết.
Đăng ký tư vấn ngay tại 👉 ĐÂY.